We provide dementia patients and carers with interactive and regular group and individual music in care and community settings in the boroughs of Greenwich and Lewisham. We are a non-profit social enterprise and we fundraise to help us run the service and subsidise the music sessions.
What makes Eleanor Music Services different is that our regular and personalised music sessions allow the musician to become a part of the care home family, getting to know dementia patients and care staff personally, their life stories and the music that makes them tick. The scientific evidence shows that it is specifically regular and on-going music provision which is beneficial to dementia patients.
If you would like to know more about how music could help dementia patients in your care home, please be in touch and I will be happy to come and meet you. Read our section How music helps with dementia. Click on the link below to find out more about our services.
Music for the community
at Mycenae House
Saturdays 10.30am - 12.30pm Main Hall
Mycenae House, 90 Mycenae Road, Blackheath, SE3 7SE.
In collaboration with Mycenae House Reach Out projects, we are running interactive live music sessions carers and people living with dementia on monthly Saturday mornings until February 2025. They are FREE! Everyone is welcome! No need to book! Click on the link below for dates.

A huge thank you to the wonderful Susan Neil for her enormous generosity in supporting this project and also 3 months of music at Weybourne Park Care Home in memory of her beloved mother, Dot.

Doris "Dot" May Neil 27/6/1924 - 29/2/2024
Specialist help for activity co-ordinators
We've got your back! Click on this link for ideas, songs to use and confidence building tools.
Many studies have found that music reduces anxiety and depression particularly if individuals engage regularly over a long period of time.
World Health Organisation
Music therapy is the most cost effective way to alleviate agitation in care homes. Up to 35 times less expensive then compared with many other therapies and interventions.
Music for dementia
Music evokes emotion and emotion can bring memory. Music brings back the feeling of life when nothing else can.
Dr Oliver Sacks